Well, December has been a whirlwind--for that matter, what happened to November? Goodness. Not only is this year ending so quickly, we are officially less than 2 months from my due date!! I'm not too panicked yet. but who knows, we may get there. For now I'm looking forward to spending January doing a little more relaxing, and preparing for our lives to change completely... no big deal. ;)
How far along? 30 weeks (actually 31 maybe, but I prefer even #'s)
Total weight gain: between 10 & 15
Maternity clothes? finally got some for Christmas! especially loving the elastic-paneled jeans, ahhhh....
Best moment lately: getting the crib set up and staring at it nightly, Scott having a break from work, house progress, and the bony elbows & knees & feet always make me smile (except when they poke my ribs)
Miss Anything? Someone mentioned ice skating today... that would be fun. but i think i'm definitely in the awkward-balance stage.
Food cravings: Orange juice still sometimes...fruit maybe
Anything making you queasy or sick: occasionally the thought that we're really gonna have a baby in 2 months! eek! :P
Have you started to show yet: This weekend I've got more comments than ever that I'm "really popped out/getting bigger/looking pregnant all of a sudden!" Hey, I can't help that my third trimester conveniently corresponds to the biggest eating holidays! :P
Gender prediction: It's a boy, and I'm quite happy about it. Though I'm determined there will be a McDiffett girl ONE day!! (Our sis in law is also having another boy ;) )
Belly Button in or out? outie! In fact I think it caught a crumb (outside my shirt) the other night... is that TMI?
Wedding rings on or off? On, no trace of swelling yet.
Happy or Moody most of the time: As if a pregnant woman's (any woman's) emotions could be summarized in two words. hah. I'm happy tho.
Weekly Wisdom: We really need to take a birth class of some sort...
Total weight gain: between 10 & 15
Maternity clothes? finally got some for Christmas! especially loving the elastic-paneled jeans, ahhhh....
Best moment lately: getting the crib set up and staring at it nightly, Scott having a break from work, house progress, and the bony elbows & knees & feet always make me smile (except when they poke my ribs)
Miss Anything? Someone mentioned ice skating today... that would be fun. but i think i'm definitely in the awkward-balance stage.
Food cravings: Orange juice still sometimes...fruit maybe
Anything making you queasy or sick: occasionally the thought that we're really gonna have a baby in 2 months! eek! :P
Have you started to show yet: This weekend I've got more comments than ever that I'm "really popped out/getting bigger/looking pregnant all of a sudden!" Hey, I can't help that my third trimester conveniently corresponds to the biggest eating holidays! :P
Gender prediction: It's a boy, and I'm quite happy about it. Though I'm determined there will be a McDiffett girl ONE day!! (Our sis in law is also having another boy ;) )
Belly Button in or out? outie! In fact I think it caught a crumb (outside my shirt) the other night... is that TMI?
Wedding rings on or off? On, no trace of swelling yet.
Happy or Moody most of the time: As if a pregnant woman's (any woman's) emotions could be summarized in two words. hah. I'm happy tho.
Weekly Wisdom: We really need to take a birth class of some sort...
Looking forward to: Holding him.