Tuesday, August 20, 2013

3 months (12 weeks)

Just had my 12 week appointment with the little one--guess that means it's time for another update! The other day, Scott congratulated me on "two months of knowing we're pregnant." Time has gone fast, but that still seems long!

It's been such a blast finally getting to tell everyone about our newest adventure. Thanks for all the excitement and encouragement! For those we were able to tell in person or by phone, the reactions were so fun (some of them will last in our memories forever, haha).  To those who knew longer, thanks for keeping the surprise so well even when we forgot to ask.
Besides the fun reactions, probably the best part is that we can now share our thoughts and excitement with those around us. I'm determined not to let it consume everything we talk about, but hey, when it does, it's fun. :)

Another fun fact, Scott and I met 6 years ago yesterday, and started dating 5 years ago tomorrow. (Scott says that means today is sandwich day...hah)

How far along? 12 weeks. Plum size, and peach is next! yummy. (?) ;)

Total weight gain/loss: I'm surprised to find that I'm still pretty much at my normal weight. But don't worry: I'm sure anyone who's spent any time with me lately can vouch for the fact that I have definitely not been skimping on eating. Hah.
Maternity clothes? My few tightest pants will no longer button comfortably, but I've still got some room to grow before I really need to change the wardrobe. I'm wearing my smaller stuff while I can!
Stretch marks? Don't think so... but may not be far away
Best moment this week: Hearing the baby's heartbeat! It's definitely been a bit weird to know I've got this person living inside me, I know it, but then as I've joked with a few, for months this little one doesn't call or write or even knock yet. So it's a relief every time I can check in and know for sure that all is well with him or her.
Miss Anything? The days when having pretty clear skin took very little effort.
Food cravings: Lately (due in part to a couple weekends of party or mountain festival food) vegetables (especially salad) have been so good. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: At the start of the 12th week I've kinda thought I felt the funny stomach a little stronger, but really my symptoms have still been very minimal. The one thing I really do notice is that there's less room in there, though! When I'm full, I'm full, don't even want to think about or smell food. (well, until a while later...then I'm hungry again)
Have you started to show yet: Maybe not to the unattached observer, but I think it's safe to say yes, a little.
Gender prediction: Almost everyone is saying boy. I am back to unsure. 8 weeks more to wait!!
Belly Button in or out?  in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy, but a few things have gotten me down, or stressed.
Weekly Wisdom:  Drink lots of water! 
Weekly Confession: Lately I guess I'm eating more sweets than I'd hoped I would while pregnant. Would like to cut that down a little, want to set that baby up to have healthy cravings, not too much sugar!

Looking forward to: Feeling baby move! It might be soon. Sometimes I try to focus and see if I can feel anything... I think it's just digestion so far. hehe.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

the first two months of poppyseed :)

well, the news is finally out!

We found out about our little poppy seed on a Sunday night, after having spent the weekend camping with friends. My little brag--we actually hiked to the top of Tehachapi mountain that weekend while I was unknowingly carrying the little one! (Though we suspected he/she might be there). Our first reactions? Scott was probably more just purely excited, but I was a mess of so many emotions, I could hardly think straight! :P Turns out pregnancy is quite the incredible, bewildering reality even when it's expected. But I felt better when Scott admitted the next morning that he had woken up in the middle of the night thinking he was about to have a heart attack, and had to go sit up and read for a while to calm down. hah.
we decided to wait to tell our families and everyone else until after our first doctor's appointment (and as we hoped, first ultrasound) at 8 weeks. At first I didn't mind the time we had to keep the news just to ourselves and let it sink in (it still hardly felt real!), but after a week or two, those became the longest four weeks ever! By now, our baby has already gone through poppy seed, apple seed, pea, blueberry, and grape, and is now a little lime! That's some pretty exponential growth if you ask me... and I've certainly been feeling some of the work behind it! ;)
So here's some belated pictures:
4 weeks--just after we first found out
Our little alien baby, 2.03 cm at ~8 weeks 4 days

9 weeks (sorry, skipped 8) -- after finally telling our families (disclaimer: IHOP and Jamba Juice are also adding to this picture!)

And here's a few more deets; Amy Garness, I hope you don't mind that I've stolen your cool little question list :)

How far along? 11 weeks now. (which in truth is 9 weeks...fun fact)
Total weight gain/loss: I think I may have gained a few since we first found out :P
Maternity clothes? not yet. most of my jeans have always been a little loose around the waist, and I have some loose-fitting shirts, so I might be ok for a bit ;)
Best moment so far: Seeing the little one on the ultrasound screen! and watching for a minute as that tiny heart went whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. :D Shortly followed by finally telling family and friends.
Miss Anything? Energy, I suppose. And it also seems like the adjustments to my senses of smell and taste have left my cooking intuition a little confused. Because of both of these, my dear hubby has already helped out with a few dinners! Also (almost forgot) my brain and memory have definitely not been firing on all cylinders lately! (if they even were before...)
Food cravings: nothing in particular... which is sometimes everything in particular. I go from nothing sounds good, to anything and everything mentioned sound good. The one thing I can pinpoint is I often am sick of sweet foods (even bread) and want something more salty (like cheese or something). I'm definitely hungry (and thirsty) more often!
Anything making you queasy or sick: A few slightly queasy moments, but no sick so far! probably among the worst was watching the highschoolers at summer camp popping "barbecue-flavored" mealworms into their mouth by that candy store in Pismo. Oh man. My clam chowder was not sitting too well.
Have you started to show yet: Sometimes... mainly when I've eaten a big dinner ;) But i already feel like there's less room in there!
Gender prediction:  Kinda hoping for a girl, but sometimes I've had a feeling it might be a boy.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty happy, but sometimes blah. Occasional flashes of firey-ness, haha. 
Weekly Wisdom: Write stuff down... even if you can't remember where you wrote it.
Looking forward to: Second trimester, registries and showers, all that stuff that will make it feel so much more real! We've also been looking forward to finding out the gender from almost the first moment.