(the day's journal entry)
As much as the kids here can wear me out, so much more can the women bless and encourage me mucho. I’m a bit sick today (and pretty tired), but it was a good day nonetheless. I’m even more comfortable here, and I’m speaking better or at least more confidently, and sometimes (okay, more than sometimes) I even think in Spanish or accidentally speak a little Spanish to the Americans that come. Hah. I know the kids better, and (sometimes) they listen to me better. Oh, and the women treat me like a daughter or sister, and call me so (“Mija” or “Hermana”).
Special moments of today: Translating always feels nice, and however I can help the Americans or whoever. Berenice showing me her & Griselda’s room, and pictures and letters from her boyfriend and sister and friends. Talking about her boyfriend and cultural stuff that wy, school, stuff like that, eating good soup, pepino con limon (delicious cucumber with lemon on it), Christian and her cupcakes. The generosity of the women—how much they’re thankful for me and how good they are to me. Tonight, tired, sore, and a little sick, I went to the kitchen for a glass of water; a few women and 14-year-old Olimpia and others were in there. (we laugh when I mess up my Spanish bad or when I can’t figure out what they’re saying, but they’re patient). I noticed that Elizabeth had a fried egg with ketchup; I commented and said that’s how I like it too! I was about to leave, but of course, she asks, “Quieres?” Umm, of course I want some, but my American nature says don’t be a pain, but I always feel a little bad turning down what they offer me…I’m learning to go with their culture. “Si!” and she fried me up and egg (“One? Only?”) in plenty of oil, and I ate it with ketchup…mmm. “More?” she asks. No, but thank you, it was really good. Instead of responding “de nada” to my thanks, she said “Para servirte!”—literally translating “to serve you.” wow. :)
I’m pretty tired… and sore… Buenas noches.
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