The group of us continued to hang out often, and Scott and I quickly found ourselves in the realm of good friends—thanks also in part to our many Facebook messages and even a few lengthy phone conversations (unfamiliar territory for both of us, I think). He was always eager to talk to me (I noticed this first at youth group) and we never seemed to run out of conversation—only time. I enjoyed watching him interact with the youth group kids (clichĂ©? But he wasn’t) and by November I could hardly shake the feeling that something was bound to happen here. But… was that what I wanted? Typical girl, it was hard to know. I had already quite convinced myself that life was better for now without a “love interest.” But, maybe God had a different idea after all.
The big chance to end some of my confusion came in mid November, when Allen decided to have a youth group staff retreat in our quaint, pretty home town that he often told the others about. Finally, a chance to at least get my parents’ opinion of the situation! But Scott had a football game that Saturday… Tragic. But on one of our customary conversations as he walked me out to my car after we all hung out, he promised he would do his best to make it. Indeed, he somehow convinced his parents (perhaps something I should still be surprised about) to let him drive out two hours for the remaining 15-ish hours of the weekend retreat at my house. Not surprisingly, my mom took note of this fact. I was thrilled, of course, which mom also took note of, and two of us met him in town in my jeep and we all spent the rest of the evening playing games and baking cookies (the two of us—also customary). By the time the group left the next day, my mom didn’t hesitate a moment to ask her usual, “So, are you two kind of an item?” I said I didn’t know… a state that would continue for us for a while longer. ;) But at least my parents thought he was a good guy.

Over my Christmas break at home, he came to visit me twice—once with his brother and again by himself. At this point I think we can now agree that it was pretty obvious to almost everyone but ourselves that we both liked each other. But, I guess we were naively oblivious. …Although, there had been many a conversation—out at my car, the times we had to ourselves when he visited, over facebook…even a time when we talked for three hours on the phone!—when I had wondered whether he would finally confess his obvious undying love for me. ;) There was of course the fact that we wouldn’t be allowed to date anyway, since I was on youth staff and he was a student (completely understandable in pretty much every other situation)…but come on. I was dying here. But, our day together passed, at times in awkward silence as I waited painfully for him to give me some sort of clarity. Nope! It was certainly on his mind, but the timing wasn’t right (or… he was too chicken to lose my friendship… either way ;) ). Fine, I thought. If he hasn’t said anything by now, he probably never will. At least we had a great friendship.
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