Monday, April 18, 2011

four years later

Mexico spring break trip, April 2011

This morning it is overcast & hazy, which means that at the Casa it was one of those mornings where the fog draped over the mountains like a thick blanket & hung on the fences with the clothes.
Funny to think that where I sit, on the balcony at Las Tres Palmas, is the same as when i wrote of my conviction to explore the idea of missions and overseas ministry, 4 years ago--something that would shape my future greatly & even in part lead me past things that weren't for me and bring me together with the man who will soon be my husband.
Especially once we begin our married life with our beautiful quilt, & dishes, & my kitchenaid mixer, & all such lovely eartly trappings, it will get harder to want to leave it all behind...
Let me not forget the things that are worth a thousand times more joy than the prettiest house.

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