Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Second trimester of twins, and nesting ☺️

I've officially made it to the third trimester! And thank goodness, since I'm already getting questions of "how many weeks/days?" Haha. Aiming for at least two more months, folks. ;)  I, too, can't help but wonder how much more my tummy has to stretch. But each week we check off is a wonderful thing. 

All things considered I am still feeling pretty good. I had a head & chest cold for like a month, which was pretty frustrating, but I still sleep soundly at night for the most part. I still run out of energy and breath pretty quickly of course. I am already feeling the "Braxton Hicks" contractions (the painless ones that do nothing), which definitely surprised and worried me at first--with my first pregnancy, I didn't notice them until the last few weeks, and actually my beginning labor contractions were almost indistinguishable from them. So I was a bit anxious when I felt them at just over 20 weeks, between our two out of state trips!  Clearly, everything is still fine. Just a new normal for me. 

Speaking of new normal, I now weigh more than I ever have in my life (pregnant included) and recently passed up my husband by a couple pounds! 😬 I know it's a good thing, especially since each baby has their own "water" and placenta to account for, but gaining almost 40 lbs in 5 or 6 months is still quite the adjustment for me. 😜 

I was very blessed by my baby shower and all its participants, happy that my out of country friend Katelynn got to be there ;) and happy I took a fellow twin mom's advice to "have your shower early, before you start feeling too miserable." The nesting urges kicked in pretty strong already, and I feel relieved that, for the most part, we are supplied with the essentials and ready for their arrival. It was nice to sort clothes and prepare their room while I still have the energy. Clothes from newborn to three months are all washed and in their drawers already ;) does that sound crazy? Well, pregnancy is ;)  

I'm very happy to report that my blood sugar test came back normal, and as of yet I still have no apparent issues, not even swelling. The kids are plenty active and strong, as anyone who has sat next to me and felt or seen them kick can attest.  They calm down well for me to sleep at night though, which I'm really hoping is indicative of the future! Haha! πŸ˜‚

Speaking of children I'm proud of, Nate is becoming such a big boy. He says so himself (or "big helper" complete with Daniel Tiger song).  We talk to him about his babies and the future, and he seems to grasp it well for his age (not that it won't still rock his world when they come). All of his own timing he has decided to move into his new big boy room, giving up the old with surprisingly little complaint so far, and has asked to trade his high chair for a spot at the table with us. He is also, for the most part (aside from still really wanting to climb and jump on me) sweetly thoughtful of his mommy. He brings me water (as always) and Scott has trained him to ask me if I need anything, or offer me a hand when I stand up. Just the other day I sat down and he put a plastic bin under my feet for me, another day brought me Chapstick when I said I needed some (he smeared it on his own face first, of course) and today brought me a cough drop when I said I felt a little sick. 😍 he still has enough energy to power our household (or several) and talks enough to have his own show, but he sure is cute. 

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