Friday, January 28, 2011

Hope -> Where?

Yet THIS I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. (In this and this alone will I trust! ...Because it is the ONLY thing worth trusting.)

Not Jobs, not weddings,

not plans, not planners,

not money, not insurance,

not houses, not dreams...

not politicians or laws or government

not people (not even husbands, or family)

not health, or degrees.

Not even a hotel or dinner reservation is 100% certain... really.
I only know this to be 100% trustworthy: Jesus Christ; his promise of salvation and sanctification; the holy and true Word of the Lord.

God asks us, dares us to test us in his promises. It's like a taunt from a loving and loyal friend--"You just SEE if i won't come through for you."

Gotta do it. What can I lose? If I only trust in him to give me the faith and courage to do the culturally, humanly unthinkable.
Not because I'M great, but because it's a chance for him to show that HE's great. After many chances do we really allow him?

May this be one of MANY in my life.