Sunday, April 24, 2016

Best laid plans

We've known we didn't want to wait much longer on another biological kid, even if we did have to wait on becoming foster certified first... So we were pretty excited, within the same week of receiving our certification, to find out we were also expecting! We still had no idea how God would time a foster baby placement in relation to the due date of the biological one, but we trusted he would figure it out better than we could. 
I had a couple concerns though, since I had so recently had my appendicitis and ovarian cyst (and had been feeling a little extra stretching near that area), so I managed to get an early 6 week ultrasound to make sure all was going well. It was Scott's Friday off, so he and Nathan came too. 
I had been praying that we'd be able to hear a heartbeat, and as the technician moved the wand around I was just anxiously awaiting the assurance that everything was okay. I barely registered her question when she asked, as if making conversation or taking notes for paperwork, "so, do twins run in your family?" At first I stumbled over my words, unsure whether to give her a straight answer (Scott's Dad is identical) or tell her "that's not funny!" But Scott was more clued in and started laughing in disbelief as she gave him a knowing look. "Yeah, you guys are having twins."  I gaped like a fish and finally grinned...This couldn't be real! How unlikely, how lucky, how ridiculous was this?! 

But there we were, twin parents. I'm going to get so huge! I thought. And I should probably prepare myself for the possibility of a c section. But how could I complain? What a crazy and exciting adventure.

And yet, I still have to acknowledge the lingering bit of sadness in my heart over the fact that we most likely won't be meeting our first foster child this year. I had looked forward to the thought of our second child being adopted, and maybe even being there to welcome a third (biological) sibling to the family (although it is possible we still may not have gotten a placement by then). As much as it is hard for me to give up for now, especially after getting this far, I am pretty sure that going from one child to four in the same year would be a bit much. It seems the Lord has made it pretty clear that our time for adoption is not yet... It is ironic and even humorous, as we had said to ourselves, "the only thing that could change our foster plans now is if we got pregnant with twins! Well. God laughs at our plans sometimes, doesn't he? We will still keep up our certification and keep praying for His direction and will for 2017!  But in the mean time, just as we hoped, those two cribs in the nurserywill be put to use and we will end 2016, Lord willing, with two more children in our arms. They will just be a bit closer in age and looks than we thought ;)

1 comment:

  1. SO excited for you guys! Praying for a healthy pregnancy and delivery!
